Tag: Missouri
1898 Ad for an Evercirculator from Liberal, Missouri
I found the below posted from Liberal, Missouri in 1898. THE PHONOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE Volume XII. January 1898, No. 1 Cincinnati, Ohio WANTED – Five or six correspondents in Benn Pitman phonography to form an evercirculator. JAMES H ROBERTS, Box 91, Liberal, Missouri So, what was an “evercirculator”? I go to an article in the Sep…
M. D. Leahy, the head of Freethought University in Liberal, Converts to Anarchy, 1888
The below is from the publication Liberty, March 31, 1888. Advocating individualist anarchism, “Liberty” was published by Benjamin Ricketson Tucker from August 1881 to April 1908. * * * * * LIBERTY Not the Daughter But the Mother of Order Boston, Mass., Saturday, March 31, 1888 Whole No. 121 Of recent conversions to Anarchy the…
State Board of Agriculture Lecture in Liberal, Missouri, 1904
MISSOURI STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE Monthly Bulletin Vol. IV June, 1904 No. 3 The Institute.—Let me say a word here in favor of the commendable work now being done by our State Board of Agriculture. The farmers’ institute and the display car of products are working closer into the confidence of the older farmers than…
Liberal Mutual Telephone Company Didn’t Like People Sharing Their Service
The people of the Liberal Mutual Telephone Company *really* didn’t want people sharing service with their neighbors and friends. * * * * * From Telephony, The American Telephone Journal, July 2, 1910 Good Arguments Against the Borrowing Habit. Mr. G. H. Dixson, secretary and manager of the Liberal Mutual Telephone Company, Liberal, Missouri, is…
Bee Journal advertised from Liberal, 1881
Below is an ad for The Kansas Bee Keeper from 1881, Liberal, Missouri. THE CANADIAN BEE JOURNAL Vol. 1 BEETON, ONTARIO, APRIL 22nd, 1885, No. 4 KANSAS BEE KEEPER Established 1881 A 24 Column WEEKLY journal. Devoted exclusively bee-culture, at ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Three months on trial for twenty-five cents. Address, SCOVELL & POND…
That Bad Boy Again – Written for the MISSOURI SCHOOL JOURNAL by W. E. Condict, a Liberal, Missouri Teacher, 1896
The below was written by W. E. Condict, a Liberal, Missouri teacher, and published in Missouri School Journal in 1896. As with other generations, it bemoans unruly conduct at school. O. E. Harmon’s “The Story of Liberal” mentions W. E. Condict as an educator. * * * * * MISSOURI SCHOOL JOURNAL Vol. XIII Jefferson…
Telephony Liked Liberal’s Telephone Directory in 1910
The July 2 1910 “Telephony”, the American Telephone Journal, liked Liberal’s telephone directory a lot. As if you needed or desired to know this. * * * * Co-operation Between Public and Company Urged in Directory Advertising. There arc only fourteen inside pages in the directory of the Liberal Mutual Telephone Company of Liberal, Missouri.…
Baldwin v. Walser–Trouble at the Bank
There was trouble in Liberal. George W. Baldwin brought charges of libel against Walser for Walser distributing this in January of 1889: ” ‘ To all whom this may concern : ‘”Notice is hereby given that the copartnership heretofore existing by and between G. W. Baldwin, G. H. Walser, J. G. Pitgen, J. A. Noyes,…
A Debate Over “Free Love” at Liberal Ended in Expulsion of Some Free Love Proponents
Sexual promiscuity is the first thing that springs to the minds of some regarding the term “free love”, but the Free Love movement of the 19th century was closely tied with feminism, having everything to do with individualism and the rights of women and children (for instance, those born out of wedlock). One needs to…
Article on Liberal by the Workers of the Writers Program of the Work Projects Administration, 1941
Back when writers were considered as being worthwhile individuals, I guess, and given jobs in which they got to write, or compile, whatever. * * * * * MISSOURI A Guide to the “Show Me” State Compiled by Workers of the Writers Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Missouri Copyright 1941…