Annie (Knight) Simmons (22 Feb 1888 – 1 Sept 1961) as a young woman. Wife of Lucius Theodore Simmons. Estimated date, around 1904.
There was no indication of photographer or date on this very damaged photo. I am guessing it was taken perhaps on the same day she married Lucius at the home of her parents, 1904 Nov 17, in Washington Parish, Louisiana. We have a wedding photo and her hairstyle and appearance looks much the same.
She’s wearing here what I think is probably a very nice and stylish dress for the time which hints of how her father was said to be fairly well to do.

I tried to do a restoration. This was just when I was beginning to work in Photoshop a number of years ago. I didn’t do a great job but I think I deserve some kudos for the effort.

Right click to view larger.
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