I’ve compiled an idex of names that appear in Orrin Harmon’s The Story of Liberal Missouri:
Early Settlements
John M. Minor
Marsh Minor
William H. Curless
Tom Stark
A. Delissa
W. A. DeLissa
J. M. Wilson
E. A. Wilson
John Rhines
William I. Stacy
C. M. Cameron
J. M. Coles
Charles Brown
John and Marion Fast
John Roberts
Jennie Cartmel
David N. Brewer
Kate Hesford
Sam Boulware
Robert Sweatt
Why the Town of Liberal Was Founded
George H. Walser
The Famous Barbed Wire Fence
H. H. Waggoner
George H. Walser
Clark Braden
C. W. Stewart
The Great Spiritual Awakening
Dr. Bouton
W. S. Van Camp
H. H. Roberts
Professor Youmans
Mrs. Belk
Mrs. Greeley
Mrs. Boulware
Mr. Brown
Miss Rene Mayer
W. E. Grayston
Frank Yale
E. E. Markley
W. E. Grayston
A. N. Warden
Jrs. Joseph McGuffin
Thomas W. Martin
W. J. McKinney
B. F. Brouw
E. S. Pettigrew
W. E. Condict
J. A. Swank
N. A. Mackey
H. M. Vorhies
C. H. Button
L. K. Brous
Mrs. G. L. Blatchley
J. J. Ping
W. S. Stephenson
Thomas Hurt
J. A. Wilson
J. B. Bundy
C. H. Hatten
Allan Piatt
E. D. Watson
J. M. Steele
Frank Greene
Byron Cowley
W. A. Martin
Grant Comfort
Carl Hesford
Luther Lipscomb
W. T. Cowgill
J. P. Moore
C. L. DeLissa
U. M. L. Hall
G. W. Baldwin
G. H. Walser
Medical Fraternity
Mrs. H. M. Allen
Dr. J. S. Gish
Dr. J. W. Clark
Dr. A. G. Eddlemon
Dr. F. R. Spell
Dr. C. H. Hatten
Business Development
Capt. S. W. Guffy
Arthur Guffy
J. F. Mohler
W. A. DeLissa
John H. Todd
Frank Yale
William Hesford
E. H. Wheeler
T. R. B. Adams
Gilbert Ol. Adams
William H. Curless
P. T. McClanahan
M. L. Jackson
J. F. Curl
L. L. Coleman
James B. Smith
C. B. Armstrong
J. G. Todd
A. M. Moore
O. N. Eddlemon
M. H. Bryson
M. M. Jones
J. W. Stone
Charles Travis
A. N. Wimmer
Arlie Bowman
Rolla Argo
F. A. Minnick
N. J. O’Neal
G. R. Crank
E. A. Wilson
Wilbur Smith
F. A. Marks
Taylor R. Palmer
Chas. Pomatto
Geo. G. Minor
J. E. Wicker
J. F. Mohler
J. M. Sinclair
Earl Creamer
Fred Mellor
Dave Kendall
Frank Cale
Max Davidson
J. A. Coy
I. G. Morgan
J. H. Brown
W. S. Jones
Roy Smith
H. Bouton
J. O. Pinkerton
The Brotherhood
D. P. Greeley
C. B. Adams
E. A. Jewart
Harriet P. Walser
J. B. Bouton
T. R. B. Adams
F. L. Yale
J. W. Curless
Rach H. Yale
G. H. Walser
The Churches and Charitable Organizations
Rev. Ashbaugh
Rev. George T. Ashley
Adam Burris
Some Interesting Characters in Liberal’s History
Henry Dorman
August Beckmann
Charles Beckmann
George Hesford
Kate Hesford
W. S. VanCamp
George Mellor
G. W. Baldwin
William Simpson
Robert Dunn
Arthur Guffy
W. S. Guffy
Walser Bouton
Will Thompson
Maude Thompson
John G. Petgen
George Petgen
James A. Noyes
Ray Noyes
Veterans of the Civil War and Soldiers of the Late World War
Capt. J. G. Mayer
Thomas A. Stark
Gilbert G. O. Adams
George Hesford
August B. Beckmann
Charles Brown
Henry Fields
Isaac Malcolm
J. A. Milligan
A. Decker
J. M. Post
S. L. Durham
Henry J. Whitesell
George W. Davis
_____ Suydan
Silas Andrews
J. K. Belk
Theodore Edwards
Samuel Baker
J. M. Wilson
James W. Coy
M. S. Roach
W. S. Van Camp
M. Bell
Abram Jones
T. O. Burson
Geo. Mc Clarinon
Daniel Baker.
Mr. J. A. Ramsey
Henry Bouton
Eddie Laycox
Donald Sechrist
Gerald Sechrist
Monroe Mohler
Warren Weaver
Dick Eccher
Frank Patrick
Bert Butler
John Campbell
Archie Campbell
William Tilley
George McCuistion
Nils Otto
Charles Swigart
Wm. H. Thomas
Fred Dazey
John Dazey
Leo Thomas
Harold Thomas
Ross Thomas
John Pingree
William Renner
Capt. Alva McClanahan
Mace Wicker
Major Thomas Curless
Louis McKenzie
Earl Sumners
Irl Holland
Chas. Skidmore
Ben Smith
Howard Coffey
Jesse Sherron
Fred Sale
Augustus Craft
Harold Trotter
Marty Netcalf
Arthur Guffy, Jr.
Scott Wimmer
Fred Pomatto
Wallace Swartz
Early Warren
Guernie Hadley
Wm. H. Curless
Lieut. Clyde A. Hatten
Otto Boyer
Luther Miller
Henely Stacy
Louis Payne
Cornelius Eccher
A. K. Coffey
Archie Jones
Carl Williams
Ray Sloan
Jas. H. Stanberry
Walter Crisler
Lloyd Riley
Val Bumgarner
Marion McWilliams
Clive Lloyd
Luther Aleshire
Jesse Sale
Earl Creamer
Harry Bailey
Oliver McWilliams
Rezin Bowman
Floyd Felty
Harley McColm
Stanley Cale
Wm. Wair Curless
Dr. C. H. Hatten
Paul Fast
Clyde Salmons
Lester Spangler
Julius Wolf
Ed Coffey
Ben Hall
Edgar Krebs
Chas. Craft
Dale Higgins
Harry Lawrence
Harold Black
Wm. F. DeLissa
Roy Hanshaw
Arthur Nelson
Tom Curry
Horace Robins
Monroe Miller,
Ezra Quackenbush
Landon Quackenbush
Ernest Thompson
Kathryn Curless (nurse)
Alton Ball
Wm. Coleman Black
Otto Wolf
L. M. Temple.
Dick Eccher
Frank Patrick
Tom Curry
John Pingre
Wallace Swartz
Alton Ball
Otto Wolf
Fred Sale
Been Smith
Wm. H. Thomas
Some of Liberal’s Public Servants
Frank Curless
W. O. Keffer
James K. Belk
E. A. Wilson
W. S. Guffy
F. L. Yale
W. A. DeLissa
R. J. Hughes
E. H. Harvey
E. W. Harvey
John H. Todd
The Founder of Liberal and the Surviving Pioneers
George H. Walser
Capt. J. G. Mayer
Dr. J. W. Clark
Dr. J. S. Gish
Mrs. J. K. Belk
John G. Todd
John H. Todd
Frank Curless
Mrs. Kate Hesford
George Hesford
Gilbert O. Adams
Arthur Guffy and wife
George Thomas
W. A. DeLissa
Mrs. America Sackett
Frank Cramer
Jake Betz
Mrs. Belle Hamilton
M. N. Minor
Matilda Comfort
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