Evermore Genealogy

Last of a Coterie of Pioneer Settlers

Patrick McNulty (also given as born 1825, died 1911 at the age of 86) may have been a cousin of Catherine. A newspaper article, titled “Last of a Coterie of Pioneer Settlers”, read:

With the burial of Mr. P. McNulty passed away the last one of a class of hardy Irishmen that settled beyond the Three Mile creek many years previous to the Civil War. All north of Owen’s Lane to LaFargue’s Bul Head and west from St. Stephen’s road to Burden’s creek was the territory settled. These hardy pioneers brought to the highest state of perfection the production of early vegetables and laid the foundation of knowledge that the present day truck farmer enjoys in that vicinity. Among the first settlers were the three brothers, Thomas, Patrick and Martin McAndrew; James Stewart, Michael McDonald, John Tuite, M. McGuire, M. McHale, Mr. Doody, M. Devine, Charles Rooney, Thomas Finch, P. Kearns and Mr. Green, father of county commissioner Green, and P. McNulty. Martin Costello, who laid the foundation of his fortune by truck farming; Peter Reynolds, John Clashy and the late P. Sweeny were truck growers for many years, but their advent was after the Civil war; so that with the death of Mr. McNulty all of the original settlers have passed to the great beyond. The descendants of this sturdy race are very numerous, and with few exceptions all of them made honorable and useful citizens. It will be a long time, if ever, that this part of the country will ever see their likes again.

Patrick McNulty died June 29, 1911 in Mobile, Mobile County, Alabama.


2 responses to “Last of a Coterie of Pioneer Settlers”

  1. Sean K. Ridgley Hess Avatar
    Sean K. Ridgley Hess

    Iam the 8th child of John and Kathleen Ridgley. My Dad was the only child of John Ridgley and Mary Catherine Reynolds Ridgley. I am interested in any information about Peter Reynolds.

  2. jmk Avatar

    This is the information I have on Peter Reynolds.


    Sorry I took so long to approve your comment. For some reason I never got notification that I had a comment on this post.

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