While researching my George W. McKINNEY, I came upon a George W. MCKINNEY who was tried for murder in Fort Smith ARK 1879. Subpoenas are served for support for him to some individuals in Carroll and Ray Counties MO. I have found there is a George W. MCKINNEY, b. 1839, in the Carroll Co. census in 1870, b. MO., and though I’ve no proof I am assuming this may be the George W. McKINNEY who was on trial for murder. He isn’t my ancestor. I’m placing this material online as I have it and may as well make it available.
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September 21 1878
United States of America,
The President of the United States
To the Marshal for the Western District of Arkansas and to the Keeper of the United States Jail, Greeting:
Whereas George W. McKINNEY has been arrested and this day brought before WHEELER a commissioner appointed by the District Court of the United States, in and for the Western District of Arkansas, under the laws of the United States, charged on the oath of E. (or C) M. Barnes with Manslaughter and having inquired into the truth and probability of the charge exhibited against George W. McKINNEY and upon consideration of the facts and circumstances proved, the said commissioner did adjudge the said George W. MCKINNEY to be guilty of having committed the said violation of law.
We therefore command you, the said Marshal, forthwith to convey the said George W. McKINNEY to the U. S. jail and him deliver to the Keeper thereof; and you, the said Keeper are hereby required to receive the said George W. McKINNEY into your custory in the said jail and him there safely keep until he shall be discharge by due course of the law.
Given under my hand this 21st day of Septemeber A.D. 1878 in the 103rd year of our Independence.
United States Commissioner Western District of Arkansas
Received Fort Smith Arkansas, September 21st 1878, from D. P. UPHAM Marshal one body of the within named defendant, George W. MCKINNEY, together with a copy of this writ.
Charles BURNS
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