Evermore Genealogy


Daniel A. Brewer and Nancy Smith

Daniel Brewer orig
Daniel Brewer adjusted

Daniel A. Brewer
Courtesy Nancy Benton

Daniel A. BREWER was born 31 Aug 1784 in KY and died 9 April 1881 in Coatesville, Hendricks, IN. Daniel married Nancy SMITH.

The family history on Daniel A. BREWER SR. (at least in our branch) had him born August 31 1784 in Germany or Holland, and that he’d moved to Putnam Co. Indiana. This account was based on a bio in Weik’ History of Putnam County, Indiana.

“Within the next two years (from 1826) the population was increased by the arrival of…Daniel BREWER…Among the old settlers who have died within the past thirty years were…and Daniel BREWER of Coatsville. The last named was born in Holland on August 31, 1782, and came to Kentucky when two years old. From that state he moved to Putnam County, where he lived until almost a hundred years old.”

Weik’s History of Putnam County, Indiana, B.F. Bower & Co. Publishers, pages

Well, don’t believe everything in print, for it seems that Daniel A. BREWER was the 2nd son and 2nd of 6 children born to John (Johannas) BREWER, who was born in New Jersey, and Jane VAN ARSDALE also born in New Jersey. John was about 23 and Jane about 27 when Daniel was born. The BREWER family had been in America for multiple generations.

Another peculiar bit of misinformation occurring in this generation is that in the family history Nancy SMITH was originally given as Nancy GARNETT (by Pansy BREWER NOYES) and Nancy GURNET by another relative. It was eventually found that she was Nancy SMITH, but with at least with some of her children she went by the maiden name of GARNETT or GURNET, which was a brick wall in research that no one could get past (well, no wonder). Some scandal or something had already been hinted at by relatives, Nancy reports, but what could it have been? It has been wondered if she was previously married to a GARNETT and, if there was a scandal, it had something to do with this–but she was married to Daniel BREWER under her maiden name of SMITH, and it seems if her using the name of GARNETT was because of something she preferred to not have known then this had something to do with her being a SMITH. Besides, it seems fairly peculiar that she would have presented herself for posterity as a GARNETT if a previous marriage was what she wanted to hide.

Nancy Benton writes:

The “cousin” who gave me the family sheet of Daniel which listed his mother as “Nancy Gurnet” said there was some scandal about her, but she didn’t know what it was. In some of mother’s writings I found mention of Nancy Garnett as wife of Daniel.

In corresponding with other researchers (including Steve Brewer and Debbie Schmidt) I found that Nancy Smith who md. Daniel Brewer in 1805 in Mercer County was mentioned as a daughter in George Smith’s probate records. George had been married previously and had five children before marrying Nancy’s mother and having six more.

Isom: “Marriage Bonds and Consents, Mercer Co., KY 1786-1820, p. 13–“Daniel Brewer and Nancy Smith; Consent of Mary Smith for her daughter, same date, witnessed by Narney Smock and Abraham Brewer.

His will (Missouri 1810) mentions his daughter Rebecca married to Samuel Bruer (Brewer) and Doras married to Alexander Varardsale (Vanarsdall). Mercer County marriage records give George Smith as father of these two women. The will
packet contains a letter from a DANIEL BREWER, son-in-law of George Smith, who was resident in Shelby County, Kentucky. In the will, George gives Nancy as yet unwed, and yet she had married in 1805.

The Court Record hasn’t been viewed but there was a case between Mary SMITH (Nancy’s mother) versus her father and his son George W. SMITH Jr. in 1801. By 1802 George Sr.’s name appears in Saint Louis, which is a while before his death.

As it is, Nancy SMITH, born 4 December 1785, was actually the daughter of George Washington SMITH Sr. and his second wife, Mary.

Supporting documentation is given that she is mentioned in her father’s probate records. And the Marriage Bonds and Consents Mercer county, KY 1786-1820, by Isom, p. 13, shows Consent of Mary Smith for her daughter, same date, witnessed by Narney Smock and Abraham Brewer.

These revelations were made during exchanges on the Rootsweb Brewer Mailing List 1999. Steve BREWER noted that Nancy’s marriage bond only has her mother Mary listed as giving consent, whereas one would normally find a father or guardian listed, but that Debbie SCHMIDT, another researcher, reported that George SMITH died before 1810 in the St. Louis Territory, Missouri.

Daniel A. BREWER Sr. and Nancy SMITH had 9 children.


1) John b. 1806 d. unknown m. Lucinda HANKINS on 27 Oct 1829 in Shelby Co. KY. (Vicki Deer writes at Genforum, Hankins forum, that Lucinda’s father was William HANKINS and her mother was Mary “Polly” HEDDEN. Mabry Benson wrote in that another child was Gilbert who married American ARMSTRONG, sister to William F. Armstrong, from Shelby Co. KY, moved to Hendricks Co. IN, next to Putnam, and married in 1846.

2) Mary b. 1808 m. Nathaniel STRAUGHN b. abt. 1810 KY

3) Jane b. 1810 m. David HUNTER b. abt. 1814 KY. (Jerusha SMITH, sister of Nancy SMITH, wife of Daniel, married a John HUNTER. Susannah HEDDEN, daughter of Abraham HEDDEN and Charity MUNSON, married Charles HUNTER abt. 1808. Anne HEDDEN, another daughter, married Carter HUNTER 1818 KY. M. Christiansen, wrote into Genforum May 14, 1999 that Henry HUNTER SR., of Shelby Co. KY, married to Ann (deed 17 May 1796) gave as children: Jemima m. Jonathan P. BRADY 23 May 1800, Shelby Co. KY; Polly m. Major WILLS, Oct. 1807, Shelby Co. KY, Henry Jr. m. Sally ECCLES 6 Jan 1807 in Merder, John m. Jerusha SMITH 1. Sep. 1804 in Mercer, died by 1818; Charles m. Susy HEDDEN 2 Jan 1818 in Shelby Co. KY; Carter m. Anne HEDDEN 15 February 1818 in Shelby. A Karen Perry wrote in response that Jemima HUNTER., b. 1783 TN or NC, first married Jonathon P. BRADY, then married Moses R. D. SMITH 28 May 1808 in Knox Co. TN. Karen Perry writes also that Henry HUNTER, b. 1749 in Rowan Co. NC, was a son of Charles HUNTER Sr. and Mary of Rowan Co. NC.)

4) George b. 1813

5) Charity b. 1815 m. Jesse VANCLEAVE b. abt. 1813 KY married January 11, 1839 Putnam Co. IN View Indiana marriage database. (William HEDDEN married Rachel VAN CLEAVE. Charity, sister of Daniel Levi BREWER, married a Jesse VAN CLEAVE.)

6) Jerusha b. 1818 m. Alexander HODGE April 4 1838 Putnam Co. IN.

7) Garret b. 1820 m. Maria LUNTSFORD b. abt. 1810 KY, married December 9 1841 Putnam Co. IN. View Indiana marriage database. (LUNSFORDS are in the 1850 and 1860 census near the BREWERS.)

8) Daniel Levi b. 1823 or 1827 m. Catherine HEDDEN b. 21 Feb 1822, KY, married March 30 1843 Putnam Co. IN

9)Nancy b. 1826 to 1827 m. James COOPER, 23 Dec. 1860 Putnam Co. IN.

After the death of Nancy, Daniel married Charity BRIDGES.

The burial place of Daniel is unknown. The Mt. Carmel Cemetery shows his wife, Nancy and Nathaniel STRAUGHAN and Mary Polly BREWER, his wife. Daniel isn’t shown. He is perhaps buried with Charity, who burial place also unknown.

Husband: Daniel A. ++ Brewer Sr.

Born: 1784 Aug 31 – , York, Pennsylvania (1)
Died: 1881 Apr 9 – Coatesville, Hendricks, Indiana
Buried: – Mount Carmel Cemetery, Fillmore, Putnam, Indiana
Father: Johannes (John) + > Brewer (1761-1822) (1)
Mother: Jane + Van Arsdale (1757-1793) (2)
Marriage: 1805 Oct 5 Place: , Mercer, West Virginia

Other Spouse: Charity Bridges (Cir 1809-1896) Date: 1863


1. Birth: 1784 Aug 31.
Daniel A. is given by the family genealogy as born in Kentucky, but the
history of Conewago and the migration to Kentucky of the old Dutch
settlers indicates that he was born instead in Conewago, York County,

2. Migration: Cir 1786, , , Kentucky. (4)
Given by Weik’s History of Putnam County Indiana as having migrated with
his parents at the age of two to Kentucky. The initial migration from
Conewago occurred 1780, in which his Uncle Abraham had taken part, so
1786 seems a plausible date.

3. Marriage: Marriage Bond For Daniel Brewer and Nancy Smith, 1805 Oct 5.

Isom: “Marriage Bonds and Consents, Mercer Co., KY 1786-1820, p.
13–Daniel Brewer and Nancy Smith; Consent of Mary Smith for her daughter, same
date, witnessed by Narney Smock and Abraham Brewer.

Nancy is mentioned in George Smith’s will as being yet unmarried, which
means he appears not to have seen his family for five years.

4. Child’s Birth: John born., Cir 1806. John will marry Lucinda HANKINS,
October 27 1829 in Shelby Co., KY.

5. Child’s Birth: Mary is born, 1808. She will marry Nathaniel STRAUGHN,
October 11, 1830 in Shelby Co. KY.

6. Census: Pg. 239 1810 Shelbyville, Shelby, Kentucky, USA. (6)

BREWER Daniel, 1 male under 10 (John abt.
4), 1 male 26 to 44 (Daniel A.), 2 females under 10 (Mary and Jane), 1
female 16 to 25 (Nancy).

Daniel and Nancy are located between an Archibal CAMERON and a John

7. Child’s Birth: Jane born., Cir 1810. Jane will Mary David HUNTER Sept
17, 1835 in Putnam Co. IN.

8. Child’s Birth: George is born., Cir 1813.

9. Child’s Birth: Charity is born., 1815 Jan 28.

10. Child’s Birth: Jerusha is born., Cir 1818. She will marry Alexander
HODGE April 04, 1838 in Putnam County, Indiana.

11. Census: Possible for Daniel BREWER. Page 89. 1820 , Mercer, West
Virginia. (7)

BREWER John A. 3 males under 10, 1 male 10 to 16, 1 male 26 to 45, 1
female under 10, 2 females 16 to 18, 1 female 18 to 26, 1 female 45 and
BREWER Daniel 4 males under 10, 1 male 10 to 16, 1
male 16 to 18, 3 males 16 to 26, 1 male 45 and up, 1 female under 10, 1
female 10 to 16, 1 female 16 to 18, 1 female 18 to 26, 1 female to 45, 1
female over 45 (and slaves, but the column arrangements make it difficult
for me to tell what ages)

BREWER, Abraham: 1 male 10 to 16, 1 male 26 to 45, 1 female 45 and up
Other names of interest:
SMITH James 2 males under 10, 1 male 10 to 16, 1 male 26 to 45, 2 females
under 10, 1 male slave over 45, 1 male slave over 45
SMITH, James 1 male 16 to 26, 2 females under 10, 1 female 16 to 18
HAWKIN or HANKIN, Samuel 3 males under 10, 2 males 10 to 16, 1 male 26 to
45, 2 females under 10, 1 female 18 to 26, (these may not be right) 2
male slaves 14 to 26, 1 female slave to 14, 1 female slave 45 and up
HUNTER Joseph 1 male 45 and up, 2 females 10 to 16, 1 female 26 to 45
HUNTER Zachariah 1 male 10 to 16, 1 male 45 and up, 1 female 10 to 16, 1
female 26 to 45

12. Child’s Birth: Garrett is born., Cir 1821. He will marry Maria
LUNTSFORD, 9 Dec. 1841 in Putnam Co. IN.

13. Child’s Birth: Daniel Levi is born., 1823 Sep 25. DIRECT LINE He will marry Catharine HEDDEN, March 30, 1843, in Putnam Co. IN.

14. Land Patent: 20 May 1825?.

15. Child’s Birth: Nancy is born., Cir 1826. She will marry James COOPER,
Dec. 23, 1860 in Putnam Co., IN.

16. Census: 1830 , Shelby, Kentucky. (8)

Samuel HEDDEN 1 ” 2 3 1 1 1 – – – – – – / ” 2 1 ” ” ” 1 2 male slaves 10
to 24
Elizabeth RICKER ” ” 2 – – – – – – – – – – / ” 2 2 ” ” 1
Daniel BREWER ” 2 ” 1 ” ” 1 – – – – – – / 1 ” 2 1 1
” 1

Carter HUNTER ” 2 1 ” ” 1 – – – – – – – / 1 1 ” ” 1 (1 male slave 10 to
Abram HEDDEN ” – – – – – – – – 1 – – – / ” ” ” ” ” ” 1 ” 1
William HEDDEN ” ” ” ” ” 1 – – – – – – – / 2 2 ” ” ” 1
James HEDDEN – 2 1 ” ” 1 – – – – – – – / 2 1 ” ” ” 1
Joseph SHADEN? ” ” 1 2 2 ” ” 1 – – – – – / ” 1 1 ” 1 ” ” 1 ( 2 male
slaves 10 and under, 1 male slave 24 to 35, 1 female slave 24 to 35, a
female slave 35 to 55)
Nancy TILLEY ” – – – – – – – – – – – – / ” ” 1 ” ” ” ” ” 1 (2 male slaves
10 and under, 1 male slave 24 to 35, 1 female slave 24 to 35, a female
slave 35 to 55)
John REDDICK ” ” ” 1 ” ” ” 1 – – – – – / ” ” 1 2 3 ” ” 1 (1 male slave 24
to 35, female slave 35 to 55, 1 female slave 55 to 100)
Henry TILLEY 1 2 1 ” ” ” ” 1 – – – – – / 1 1 1 3 1 ” 1 (1 male slave 24
to 35, female slave 35 to 55)

Daniel’s household thus shows 2 males 5 to 10 (Daniel Levi and Garret), 1
male 15 to 20 (George), 1 male 40 to 50 (Daniel A.), 1 female under 5
(Nancy), 2 females 10 to 15 (Jerusha and Charity), 1 female 15 to 20
(Jane), 1 female 20 to 30 (Mary), 1 female 40 to 50 (Nancy SMITH

Carter HUNTER, living next door, was married to Ann HEDDEN b. abt. 1802,
daughter of Abraham HEDDEN and Charity MUNSON. Another sister of hers,
Susannah, married a Charles HUNTER abt. 1818. Their brother, Gilbert
HEDDEN, was father of William, father of Catherine HEDDEN who will marry
Daniel Levi BREWER.

Jerusha SMITH, a sister of Nancy SMITH BREWER, married a John HUNTER.

Another sister of Ann HEDDEN HUNTER and Susannah HEDDEN HUNTER was yet
another Catherine (b. abt. 1784) who marries a Lazarous TILLEY. Their
daughter, Ann, b. 1812 in Shelby Co. KY, will marry a John HEDDEN, son of
Samuel, son of Abraham HEDDEN and Charity MUNSON. Another child of
Catherine HEDDEN TILLEY and Lazarous TILLEY is Abraham M. TILLEY who will
marry a Charity HEDDEN, daughter of Samuel, son of Abraham and Charity
HEDDEN. A number of TILLEYs and HEDDENS will also migrate from Shelby Co.
KY to Putnam Co. IN.

Lazarous TILLY b. 17 Jan 1787 in NC, wife of Catherine HEDDEN, was
perhaps a brother of a man named Joel TILLEY, b. 1765, who married a
Nancy Elizabeth HARRIS, both perhaps sons of Lazarus TILLY b. abt. 1744
in VA, died 1814 in Shelby Co. KY, who married an Elizabeth. The grandson
of Joel and Nancy Elizabeth HARRIS, Joel A. TILLEY, b. 1831, applied to the Guion Miller Commission in an attempt
to claim funds appropriated by Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906 in
favor of the Eastern Cherokees (Guion Miller Application No. 40846). Joel
A. Tilley said his grandmother Elizabeth Harris was a daughter of William
Harris who he said was thought to be 1/2 Cherokee Indian. The Guion
Miller Commission rejected his claim, but it is still interesting.

17. Census: Pg. 319 1840 , Johnson, Indiana. (9)

Aaron WEBB
Alexander WILSON
Robert HENRY
Daniel A. BREWER – – 1 – 2 – – – 1 – – – -/- – – –
1 – – – 1

Patrick BEARD

In the BREWER household there was 1 white male 10 to 15 (seems it would
be Daniel Levi though he was born 1823), 2 white males 20 to 30 (Garret
and George), 1 white male 60 to 70 (Daniel A.), 1 white female 20 to 30
(Jane or Charity or Jerusha), 1 white female 60 to 70 (Nancy).

18. Child’s Marriage: Daniel marries Catherine HEDDEN., 1843 Mar 30, , ,

19. Census: 1850 Indiana, Putnam County, Marion Township. (10)

62/62 Daniel SMITH 53 farmer $1000 b. KY
Lavina 48
Abraham B. 15
John N. 16
Martha 15
James H. 12 b. IN
Sarah E. 9
Keith A. 6
63/63 Peter LUNSFORD 64 farmer $1000 b. KY
Sarah 63
Ramona 21 b. IN
Pauline 15
Mary STORM? 14
NOTE: Erni Lunsford writes into Genforum that the wife of Peter was Sarah
64/64 Samuel SMITH 60 farmer $1500 b. VA
Betsey 51 b. KY
Samuel 18 b. IN
Martha 16
James 13
65/65 Edward SMITH 30 b. KY
Elizabeth b. IN
Mary M. 7 b. IN
Edward 5 b.
William H. 4
George N. 2
James S. 1
66/66 William HEDDEN 51 farmer $1500 b. KY
Mary 36
Elizabeth 28
Emily J. 25
Mary E. 1 b. IN
67/67 Bailey B…? 60 farmer $1000 b. KY
Ruth A. 56
Martha 28
Nancy 26
Pauline 22
Mary A. 18
David A. 15
Ruth A. 12
68/68 Daniel BREWER 65 farmer $900 b. KY
Nancy 63
Nancy A. 23?

69/69 Jarett BREWER 29 farmer
Maria 27
John A. 9 b. IN
Martha 5
Afford 2
70/70 James SMITH 50 farmer b. KY
Hannah 43
Amanda 23
William 21 b. IN
Aeneth 17 (f)
James E. 15

pg. 458
108/109 Daniel BREWER 26 $300 b. KY
Catherine 26
Sarah 6 b. IN
William 5
Nancy 3
James D. 1

NOTE: A “Paul” at the Smith Genforum board mentions another SMITH in the
Putnam Co. area who, having a son named Hadden, may be a possible link to
Nancy SMITH. “Jacob SMITH,using that name on the 1860, & 1870 census, was
called Isaac SMITH in the 1850 census. He m. Nancy WILSON in 1825, in
Washington Co IN. she was b. ~1807 in KY. They lived in Putnam Co. IN and
had children Minerva, Hadden (or Haddon), Margaret, and Elihu. I am
looking for Jacobs parents.” He also gives,at the Hadden forum, “Susannah
HADDEN/HADDON, m. James WILSON in 1805, in Franklin Co. KY. Later they
were in Putnam Co. IN. I am looking for the parents of this James WILSON,
or children of this pair.”

20. Wife’s Death: 1859 Nov 9, Fillmore, Putnam, Indiana.

21. Census: 1860 Indiana, Putnam County, Marion Township. (11)

Daniel BREWER Jr. 33 farmer land value 1800 or 1100
and illegible sum for personal value, b. KY
Catherine 33 b. KY
Sarah E. 16 b. IN
William C. 12
Nancy 12
James P. 11
David N. 9
Rachel 7
Martha 2

John BREWER 34 farmer 640 personal KY can’t read or write
Lucinda 32 KY can’t read or write
George S 17 farmer married within the year marked?
Daniel BREWER 76 farmer 2400? 2300? KY
Nancy A. 33? KY

22. Matrimony 2: Marries Charity BRIDGES., 1863.

23. Photo: Daniel Brewer and the Dunlavy Family, Cir 1877, , , Indiana.

24. Census: 1880 Coatesville, Hendricks, Indiana. (13) And the 1880
census for IN, Hendricks, Coatsville shows Charity in the household, page

Daniel BREWER self male white 95 b. HOL retired farmer father b. unknown
and mother b. unknown
Charity BREWER wife female white 69 b. NJ father and mother b. NJ

25. Death: 1881 Apr 9 Coatesville, Hendricks, Indiana.

26. Cemetery: ? After 1881 Apr 9. Remains unknown.

27. Edit : 2003 Nov.

Wife: Nancy ++ Smith (14)

Born: 1785 Dec 4 (2)
Died: 1859 Nov 9 – Fillmore, Putnam, Indiana
Buried: – Mount Carmel Cemetery, Fillmore, Putnam, Indiana
Father: George Washington + Smith Sr. (Abt 1740-Bef 1810) (15)
Mother: Mary + (1759-Bef 1810)


1. Birth: 1785 Dec 4.

2. Parentage: (15)
Nancy is given as mentioned in George Smith’s probate records.

3. Marriage: 1806 Oct 5. (5)
I have two notes on the Marriage Bond for Nancy SMITH, daughter of George
W. SMITH, whose sister Jerusha married John HUNTER.

Marriage Bonds and Consents Mercer county, KY 1786-1820 by Isom, p
13–Consent of Mary Smith for he daughter, same date, witnessed by Narney
Smock and Abraham Brewer.


Marriage Bond–Jonathan Brady as Surety, Consent of Mary Smith for her
daughter, witnessed by Henry Hunter and Nancy Smith.
Source: Nancy

The Henry HUNTER mentioned is possibly the father of some HUNTERS who
married into the SMITH family. Charles HUNTER, son of Henry, married
Susannah HEDDEN, sister of Catherine HEDDEN’s grandfather, Gilbert
(Catherine married Daniel Levi BREWER, son of Daniel A. and Nancy Smith

A sister of Susannah and Gilbert, Anne, married Carter HUNTER 1818 in Kentucky.

A sister of Susannah and Gilbert, Anne, married Carter HUNTER 1818 in Kentucky.

Jerusha SMITH, another daughter of G. W. SMITH, married John HUNTER, a son of Henry HUNTER.

Jane BREWER, daughter of Nancy SMITH and Daniel A. BREWER, married David HUNTER.

Nancy is mentioned in George Smith’s will as being yet unmarried, which
means he appears not to have seen his family for five years.

4. Child’s Birth: John born., Cir 1807. John will marry Lucinda HANKINS,
October 27 1829 in Shelby Co., KY.

5. Child’s Birth: Mary is born, 1808. She will marry Nathaniel STRAUGHN,
October 11, 1830 in Shelby Co. KY.

6. Census: Pg. 239 1810 Shelbyville, Shelby, Kentucky, USA. (6)

BREWER Daniel, 1 male under 10 (John abt.
4), 1 male 26 to 44 (Daniel A.), 2 females under 10 (Mary and Jane), 1
female 16 to 25 (Nancy).

Daniel and Nancy are located between an Archibal CAMERON and a John

7. Child’s Birth: Jane born., Cir 1810. Jane will Mary David HUNTER Sept
17, 1835 in Putnam Co. IN.

8. Child’s Birth: George is born., Cir 1813.

9. Child’s Birth: Charity is born., 1815 Jan 28.

10. Child’s Birth: Jerusha is born., Cir 1818. She will marry Alexander
HODGE April 04, 1838 in Putnam County, Indiana.

11. Census: Possible for Daniel BREWER. Page 89. 1820 , Mercer, West
Virginia. (7)

BREWER John A. 3 males under 10, 1 male 10 to 16, 1 male 26 to 45, 1
female under 10, 2 females 16 to 18, 1 female 18 to 26, 1 female 45 and
BREWER Daniel 4 males under 10, 1 male 10 to 16, 1
male 16 to 18, 3 males 16 to 26, 1 male 45 and up, 1 female under 10, 1
female 10 to 16, 1 female 16 to 18, 1 female 18 to 26, 1 female to 45, 1
female over 45 (and slaves, but the column arrangements make it difficult
for me to tell what ages)

BREWER, Abraham: 1 male 10 to 16, 1 male 26 to 45, 1 female 45 and up
Other names of interest:
SMITH James 2 males under 10, 1 male 10 to 16, 1 male 26 to 45, 2 females
under 10, 1 male slave over 45, 1 male slave over 45
SMITH, James 1 male 16 to 26, 2 females under 10, 1 female 16 to 18
HAWKIN or HANKIN, Samuel 3 males under 10, 2 males 10 to 16, 1 male 26 to
45, 2 females under 10, 1 female 18 to 26, (these may not be right) 2
male slaves 14 to 26, 1 female slave to 14, 1 female slave 45 and up
HUNTER Joseph 1 male 45 and up, 2 females 10 to 16, 1 female 26 to 45
HUNTER Zachariah 1 male 10 to 16, 1 male 45 and up, 1 female 10 to 16, 1
female 26 to 45

12. Child’s Birth: Garrett is born., Cir 1821. He will marry Maria
LUNTSFORD, 9 Dec. 1841 in Putnam Co. IN.

13. Child’s Birth: Daniel Levi is born., 1823 Sep 25. DIRECT LINE He will marry Catharine HEDDEN, March
30, 1843, in Putnam Co. IN.

14. Child’s Birth: Nancy is born., Cir 1826. She will marry James COOPER,
Dec. 23, 1860 in Putnam Co., IN.

15. Census: 1830 , Shelby, Kentucky. (8)

Samuel HEDDEN 1 ” 2 3 1 1 1 – – – – – – / ” 2 1 ” ” ” 1 2 male slaves 10
to 24
Elizabeth RICKER ” ” 2 – – – – – – – – – – / ” 2 2 ” ” 1
Daniel BREWER ” 2 ” 1 ” ” 1 – – – – – – / 1 ” 2 1 1
” 1

Carter HUNTER ” 2 1 ” ” 1 – – – – – – – / 1 1 ” ” 1 (1 male slave 10 to
Abram HEDDEN ” – – – – – – – – 1 – – – / ” ” ” ” ” ” 1 ” 1
William HEDDEN ” ” ” ” ” 1 – – – – – – – / 2 2 ” ” ” 1
James HEDDEN – 2 1 ” ” 1 – – – – – – – / 2 1 ” ” ” 1
Joseph SHADEN? ” ” 1 2 2 ” ” 1 – – – – – / ” 1 1 ” 1 ” ” 1 ( 2 male
slaves 10 and under, 1 male slave 24 to 35, 1 female slave 24 to 35, a
female slave 35 to 55)
Nancy TILLEY ” – – – – – – – – – – – – / ” ” 1 ” ” ” ” ” 1 (2 male slaves
10 and under, 1 male slave 24 to 35, 1 female slave 24 to 35, a female
slave 35 to 55)
John REDDICK ” ” ” 1 ” ” ” 1 – – – – – / ” ” 1 2 3 ” ” 1 (1 male slave 24
to 35, female slave 35 to 55, 1 female slave 55 to 100)
Henry TILLEY 1 2 1 ” ” ” ” 1 – – – – – / 1 1 1 3 1 ” 1 (1 male slave 24
to 35, female slave 35 to 55)

Daniel’s household thus shows 2 males 5 to 10 (Daniel Levi and Garret), 1
male 15 to 20 (George), 1 male 40 to 50 (Daniel A.), 1 female under 5
(Nancy), 2 females 10 to 15 (Jerusha and Charity), 1 female 15 to 20
(Jane), 1 female 20 to 30 (Mary), 1 female 40 to 50 (Nancy SMITH

Carter HUNTER, living next door, was married to Ann HEDDEN b. abt. 1802,
daughter of Abraham HEDDEN and Charity MUNSON. Another sister of hers,
Susannah, married a Charles HUNTER abt. 1818. Their brother, Gilbert
HEDDEN, was father of William, father of Catherine HEDDEN who will marry
Daniel Levi BREWER.

Jerusha SMITH, a sister of Nancy SMITH BREWER, married a John HUNTER.

Another sister of Ann HEDDEN HUNTER and Susannah HEDDEN HUNTER was yet
another Catherine (b. abt. 1784) who marries a Lazarous TILLEY. Their
daughter, Ann, b. 1812 in Shelby Co. KY, will marry a John HEDDEN, son of
Samuel, son of Abraham HEDDEN and Charity MUNSON. Another child of
Catherine HEDDEN TILLEY and Lazarous TILLEY is Abraham M. TILLEY who will
marry a Charity HEDDEN, daughter of Samuel, son of Abraham and Charity
HEDDEN. A number of TILLEYs and HEDDENS will also migrate from Shelby Co.
KY to Putnam Co. IN.

Lazarous TILLY b. 17 Jan 1787 in NC, wife of Catherine HEDDEN, was
perhaps a brother of a man named Joel TILLEY, b. 1765, who married a
Nancy Elizabeth HARRIS, both perhaps sons of Lazarus TILLY b. abt. 1744
in VA, died 1814 in Shelby Co. KY, who married an Elizabeth. The grandson
of Joel and Nancy Elizabeth HARRIS, Joel A. TILLEY, b. 1831, applied to the Guion Miller Commission in an attempt
to claim funds appropriated by Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906 in
favor of the Eastern Cherokees (Guion Miller Application No. 40846). Joel
A. Tilley said his grandmother Elizabeth Harris was a daughter of William
Harris who he said was thought to be 1/2 Cherokee Indian. The Guion
Miller Commission rejected his claim, but it is still interesting.

16. Census: Pg. 319 1840 , Johnson, Indiana. (9)

Aaron WEBB
Alexander WILSON
Robert HENRY
Daniel A. BREWER – – 1 – 2 – – – 1 – – – -/- – – –
1 – – – 1

Patrick BEARD

In the BREWER household there was 1 white male 10 to 15 (seems it would
be Daniel Levi though he was born 1823), 2 white males 20 to 30 (Garret
and George), 1 white male 60 to 70 (Daniel A.), 1 white female 20 to 30
(Jane or Charity or Jerusha), 1 white female 60 to 70 (Nancy).

17. Child’s Marriage: Daniel marries Catherine HEDDEN., 1843 Mar 30, , ,

18. Census: 1850 Indiana, Putnam County, Marion Township. (10)

62/62 Daniel SMITH 53 farmer $1000 b. KY
Lavina 48
Abraham B. 15
John N. 16
Martha 15
James H. 12 b. IN
Sarah E. 9
Keith A. 6
63/63 Peter LUNSFORD 64 farmer $1000 b. KY
Sarah 63
Ramona 21 b. IN
Pauline 15
Mary STORM? 14
NOTE: Erni Lunsford writes into Genforum that the wife of Peter was Sarah
64/64 Samuel SMITH 60 farmer $1500 b. VA
Betsey 51 b. KY
Samuel 18 b. IN
Martha 16
James 13
65/65 Edward SMITH 30 b. KY
Elizabeth b. IN
Mary M. 7 b. IN
Edward 5 b.
William H. 4
George N. 2
James S. 1
66/66 William HEDDEN 51 farmer $1500 b. KY
Mary 36
Elizabeth 28
Emily J. 25
Mary E. 1 b. IN
67/67 Bailey B…? 60 farmer $1000 b. KY
Ruth A. 56
Martha 28
Nancy 26
Pauline 22
Mary A. 18
David A. 15
Ruth A. 12
68/68 Daniel BREWER 65 farmer $900 b. KY
Nancy 63
Nancy A. 23?

69/69 Jarett BREWER 29 farmer
Maria 27
John A. 9 b. IN
Martha 5
Afford 2
70/70 James SMITH 50 farmer b. KY
Hannah 43
Amanda 23
William 21 b. IN
Aeneth 17 (f)
James E. 15

pg. 458
108/109 Daniel BREWER 26 $300 b. KY
Catherine 26
Sarah 6 b. IN
William 5
Nancy 3
James D. 1

NOTE: A “Paul” at the Smith Genforum board mentions another SMITH in the
Putnam Co. area who, having a son named Hadden, may be a possible link to
Nancy SMITH. “Jacob SMITH,using that name on the 1860, & 1870 census, was
called Isaac SMITH in the 1850 census. He m. Nancy WILSON in 1825, in
Washington Co IN. she was b. ~1807 in KY. They lived in Putnam Co. IN and
had children Minerva, Hadden (or Haddon), Margaret, and Elihu. I am
looking for Jacobs parents.” He also gives,at the Hadden forum, “Susannah
HADDEN/HADDON, m. James WILSON in 1805, in Franklin Co. KY. Later they
were in Putnam Co. IN. I am looking for the parents of this James WILSON,
or children of this pair.”

19. Death: 1859 Nov 9 Fillmore, Putnam, Indiana.

20. Cemetery: Mt. Carmel Plat Marker showing Nancy Brewer, wife of
Daniel. (16)

21. Edit : 2003 Nov.


1 M John > Brewer (17)
Born: 1807 (18)
Died: Unknown
Spouse: Lucinda > Hankins Or Hawkins ( – ) (1)
Marr. Date: 1829 Oct 27 – , Shelby, Kentucky
Marr. Date:


1. Edit : 2003 Nov.

2 F Mary “Polly” Brewer (18)
Born: Sept 1808 (19)
Died: 1883 Mar 25 – , Putnam, Indiana
Buried: – Harwick Cemetery (near Clinton Falls), Putnam, Indiana (19)
Spouse: Nathaniel Sanford Straughan (1810-1898) (2)
Marr. Date: 1830 Oct 11 – , Shelby, Kentucky (1)
Marr. Date:


1. Census: 1840 Madison, Putnam, Indiana. (20)
William EVANS
David HUNTER 3 – – – 1 / – – – – 1
NOTE: David married Jane BREWER, aunt of Daniel Levi BREWER who married
Catherine HEDDEN.
William HEDDEN – – – – – – – 1 / – – 2 2 – – 1
NOTE: WIlliam 40 to 50, 2 females ages 10 to 15 and 2 females 15 to 20,
with Rachel as 40 to 50
Isaac HOPE
Andrew C. EVANS
Nancy BIRD
Nathaniel STRAUGHN – 1 – 1 1 1 / 1 1 1 1 – 1 – 1
NOTE: Mary Polly BREWER married Nathaniel STRAUGHN. She was an aunt of
Daniel Levi BREWER.

2. Census: Pg. 458 1850 Indiana, Putnam County, Marion Township. (10)

pg. 458
103/109 Daniel BREWER 26 $300 b. KY
Catherine 26
Sarah 6 b. IN
William 5
Nancy 3
James D. 1
104/ Nathaniel STRAGN 40 farmer $1000 b. KY
Mary 42
John W. 18 b. IN
Nancy 16
Margaret A. 12
Mary C. 5

3. Photo: Daniel Brewer and the Dunlavy Family, Cir 1877, , , Indiana.

4. Photo: Nat Straughan and Polly. (21)

5. Edit : 2003 Nov.

3 F Jane > Brewer (18)
Born: 1810
Died: Unknown
Spouse: David > Hunter (Abt 1814- ) (2)
Marr. Date: 1835 Sep 17 – , Putnam, Indiana
Marr. Date:


1. Census: 1840 Madison, Putnam, Indiana. (20)

4 M George Brewer (18)
Born: 1813
Died: Unknown
Marr. Date:


1. Census: Pg. 319 1840 , Johnson, Indiana. (9)

5 F Charity > Brewer (18)
Born: 1815
Died: Unknown
Spouse: Jesse > Van Cleave (Van Cleef) (Abt 1813- )
Marr. Date: 1838 Jan 11 – , Putnam, Indiana
Marr. Date:

6 M Jerusha Brewer (18)
Born: 1818
Died: Unknown
Spouse: Alexander Hodge (1811- ) (2)
Marr. Date: 1838 Apr 4 – Putnam Co., IN
Marr. Date:


1. Census: 1880.

Jerusha HODGE Self W Female W 62 KY
Keeping House — KY
Russel HODGE Son S Male W 29 IN Farmer KY KY
Maggie OAKLY GDau S Female W 15 IN At Home IN IN

Source Information:
Census Place Franklin, Hendricks, Indiana
Family History Library Film 1254283
NA Film Number T9-0283
Page Number 647B

7 M Garret Brewer (18)
Born: 1820-1821 (2)
Died: Unknown
Spouse: Maria Luntsford (Abt 1810- ) (22)
Marr. Date: 1841 Dec 9 – , Putnam, Indiana
Marr. Date:


1. Census: Pg. 319 1840 , Johnson, Indiana. (9)

2. Census: 1850 Indiana, Putnam County, Marion Township. (10)

Daniel BREWER 65 farmer $900 b. KY
Nancy 63
Nancy A. 23?
69/69 Jarett BREWER 29 farmer
Maria 27
John A. 9 b. IN
Martha 5
Afford 2
70/70 James SMITH 50 farmer b. KY
Hannah 43
Amanda 23
William 21 b. IN
Aeneth 17 (f)

3. Census: 1880 IN, Owen Co., Jennings.

Garret BREWER Self M Male
W 59 KY Farmer KY KY
Ann M. BREWER Wife M Female W 58 IN Keeping House ENG
Daniel BREWER Son S Male W 25 IN KY IN
Charles L. BREWER GSon S Male W 7 IN IN IN

Source Information:
Census Place Jennings, Owen, Indiana
Family History Library Film 1254302
NA Film Number T9-0302
Page Number 245A

8 M Daniel Levi + Brewer (1)
Born: 1823 Sep 25 – , Mercer, West Virginia
Died: 1868 Apr 20 – Osage Mission, Neosho, Kansas (1)
Spouse: Catherine (Catharine) + Hedden (1822-1903)
Marr. Date: 1843 Mar 30 – , , Kentucky
Marr. Date:


1. Birth: 1823 Sep 25 , Mercer, West Virginia.

2. Photo: Daniel Levi Brewer. (23)

Courtesy of Nancy Benton.

3. Census: pg. 319 1840 , Jefferson, Indiana. (9)
In household of father, Daniel A. BREWER.

4. Marriage: Married to Catherine HEDDEN., 1843 Mar 30, , , Indiana. (24)

5. Photo: Daniel Levi Brewer and Catherine Hedden, c. 1840s?. (25)

6. Child’s Birth: Sarah Elizabeth is born., 1843 Dec 22.

7. Child’s Birth: William H. is born., 1846 Nov 18.

8. Child’s Birth: Nancy is born., 1847 Nov 22.

9. Child’s Birth: James Daniel is born., 1849 Apr 13.

10. Census: 1850 Indiana, Putnam County, Marion Township. (10)

62/62 Daniel SMITH 53 farmer $1000 b. KY
Lavina 48
Abraham B. 15
John N. 16
Martha 15
James H. 12 b. IN
Sarah E. 9
Keith A. 6
63/63 Peter LUNSFORD 64 farmer $1000 b. KY
Sarah 63
Ramona 21 b. IN
Pauline 15
Mary STORM? 14
64/64 Samuel SMITH 60 farmer $1500 b. VA
Betsey 51 b. KY
Samuel 18 b. IN
Martha 16
James 13
65/65 Edward SMITH 30 b. KY
Elizabeth b. IN
Mary M. 7 b. IN
Edward 5 b.
William H. 4
George N. 2
James S. 1
66/66 William HEDDEN 51 farmer $1500 b. KY
Mary 36
Elizabeth 28
Emily J. 25
Mary E. 1 b. IN
67/67 Bailey B…? 60 farmer $1000 b. KY
Ruth A. 56
Martha 28
Nancy 26
Pauline 22
Mary A. 18
David A. 15
Ruth A. 12
68/68 Daniel BREWER 65 farmer $900 b. KY
Nancy 63
Nancy A. 23?
69/69 Jarett BREWER 29 farmer
Maria 27
John A. 9 b. IN
Martha 5
Afford 2
70/70 James SMITH 50 farmer b. KY
Hannah 43
Amanda 23
William 21 b. IN
Aeneth 17 (f)
James E. 15

pg. 458
103/109 Daniel BREWER 26 $300 b. KY
Catherine 26
Sarah 6 b. IN
William 5
Nancy 3
James D. 1
104/ Nathaniel STRAGN 40 farmer $1000 b. KY
Mary 42
John W. 18 b. IN
Nancy 16
Margaret A. 12
Mary C. 5

11. Child’s Birth: David Nathaniel is born., 1850 Oct 31. DIRECT

12. Child’s Birth: Rachel Jane is born., 1852 Oct 6.

13. Child’s Birth: Unknown child is born., 1854 Oct 3.

14. Child’s Death: Unknown child dies., 1854 Oct 3.

15. Child’s Birth: Matilda is born., 1856 Jan 31.

16. Child’s Birth: Unknown child is born., 1858 Jan 13.

17. Child’s Death: Unknown child dies., 1858 Jan 13.

18. Census: 1860 , Putnam, Indiana. (11)

Daniel BREWER Jr. 33 farmer land value 1800 or 1100 and illegible sum for
personal value, b. KY
Catherine 33 b. KY
Sarah E. 16 b. IN
William C. 12
Nancy 12
James P. 11
David N. 9
Rachel 7
Martha 2
101/101 John BREWER 34 farmer 640 personal KY
Lucinda 32 KY can’t read or write
George S 17 farmer
112/112 Daniel BREWER 76 farmer 2400? 2300? KY
Nancy A. 33? KY

19. Child’s Marriage: James Daniel marries Maude OULMAN, 1864 Sep 17.

20. Child’s Marriage: Rachel Jane marries Atwell HENDERSON., 1866 Aug 29.

21. Child’s Marriage: Sarah Elizabeth marries Elizas WHITE., 1867.

22. Migration: 1867, , Neosho, Kansas. (26) “At some point both families
moved to Illinois where on August 21, 1866, Atwill Henderson and Rachel
Jane Brewer were married. Shortly there after In 1867 by means of covered
wagon and walking the Henderson’s and some Brewers, grandmas and all,
moved to Missouri for a time then on to Neosho County, Kansas near
SOURCE: Ed Henderson

William G. Cutler’s “History of the State of Kansas” relates the
following on Osage Mission:

Previous to the organization of a town company or the laying out of a town site two buildings had been erected here, one by L. P. Foster & Co., a log one, in which a store was opened and managed by the “Morgan boys,” and a framebuilding erected by S. A. Williams, of Fort Scott, in which his son, Augustus D. Williams, kept a store. The movements were made in 1866, in anticipation of the starting of a town. A Town Company was organized consisting of George A. Crawford, S. A. Williams, C. W. Blair, Benjamin McDonald and John Nandier, a town site laid out and called Osage Mission., in December, 1867. By the side of it and to the west another town site was laid out and called Catholic Mission. On this town site a small store was opened by S. J. Gilmore, in a log building known then and still remembered as “Castle Thunder;” this store was opened in 1865. On Osage Mission townsite the Town Company erected a building on the corner of County and Market streets into which A. D. Williams moved his stock of goods in 1867, in which he kept the postoffice, with C. H. Howard as deputy. About the same time L. P. Foster & Co., erected a two story frame building across the street and a little north of the present site of the Southern Hotel. Joseph Roycroft built a log saloon near where now stands the City Bank; Middaugh and Dohnan came down from Topeka, and built a store where L. Steadman’s store now stands, in 1867; James Roycroft erected a boarding house, the first in town, on the southeast corner of County and Market Streets, and during the summer John Nandier built the first hotel, the Neosho House, a large two story frame, long known as the finest hotel building in Southern Kansas. Not long after this Nathaniel Tucker started a store near “Castle Thunder,” in the building now occupied as a dwelling by Daniel Zehner, and about the same time, perhaps a short time previously, Dr. J. B. Lamb started a store also in Catholic Mission. Marston & Ulmer, from Iowa, opened a furniture store in 1868. J. M. Boyle, from Fort Scott, opened a hardware store just north of L. P. Foster & Co.’s store, and on the southwest corner of County and Main streets, Ryan & Roycroft started a general store about the same time.

The first lawyer in the town was C. F. Hutchings, in 1867, the first physician, Dr. A. F. Neely, about the same time, and the first Protestant minister was Rev. A. Hitchcock. The first birth was that of a son to Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Noble, 1868. From the first the growth of the town was vigorous and rapid. In August, 1868, it contained eight dry goods stores, three drug stores, one hardware store, two boot and shoe stores, four blacksmith shops, and numerous other business establishments, and a population of nearly nine hundred. From this time until the building of the railroad the growth of the town was steady. It was the center of three lines of stages; one to Fort Scott, one to Humboldt and the other to Chetopa. When these stages arrived all was life and animation. Each stage was a Concord coach drawn by four fine large horses, and the driver’s voice and importance, and the crack of his whip served to raise the excitement to the highest pitch, and is still vividly remembered. A more complete history of the town will be seen in the sketches of its individual industries and institutions…

…The first school in Osage Mission was the Mission School, begun by Father Schoenmakers in 1847. This, however, was an institution devoted to the education of Indians and in the interests of the Catholic Church.

23. Death: 1868 Apr 20.
There is some uncertainty as to place of Daniel Levi Brewer’s death. In
a family sheet Nancy Benton was given, Daniel was given as dying in
Filmore IN. “Why, if he had moved to IL and then to KS? Did he go back
for some reason and die there and Catherine and the kids stayed in KS?
Also, the story mother told about him being killed when the oxen ran
off–did she possibly have the grandfathers mixed up? According to the
story in the McClean County, IL, history, that is how Robert Johnson,
grandfather of Delana died. It seems strange that both of them would have
died the same way.”
Source: Nancy Benton, Email 11 May 2003

24. Alt. Death place: Fillmore, Putnam, Indiana.

25. Edit : 2003 Nov.

9 F Nancy Brewer (18)
Born: 1826-1827 (2)
Died: Unknown
Spouse: James Cooper ( – )
Marr. Date: 1860 Dec 23 – Putnam Co., IN (2)
Marr. Date:


1. Marriage:


1. Nancy Benton genealogy database drawn from various sources, some unnoted.
Grace Noyes Pinkerton b. 1892, did much recording during the mid 1900s,
Nancy Benton assisting and later augmenting. Pansy Noyes Bryant
contributed greatly, mother of Nancy Benton, Noyes-Brewer Genealogy with
Associated Families (2003 Word document).
2. Nancy Benton.
3. Isom, Marriage Bonds and Consents, Mercer Co., KY 1786-1820.
4. Weik, Jesse Willian, 1857 -, Weik’s History of Putnam County, Indiana
(Indianapolis : B. F. Bowen & Co., 1910).
5. Marriage Bond for Daniel Brewer and Nancy Smith, 5 Oct 1805, Kentucky
(Digital copy courtesy of Nancy Benton, 2003).
6. Kentucky, Shelby County, 1810 U.S. Federal Census Population Schedule
(Images at Ancestry.com).
7. Kentucky, Mercer County, 1820 U.S. Federal Census Population Schedule
(Images at Ancestry.com).
8. Kentucky, Shelby County, 1830 U.S. Federal Census Population Schedule.
9. Indiana, Johnson Co, 1840 U.S. Federal Census Population Schedule.
10. Indiana, Putnam CO, 1850 U.S. Federal Census Population Schedule (Images at
11. Indiana, Putnam Co, 1910 U. S. Census Population Schedule.
12. Unknown photographer, Daniel Brewer and the Dunlavy Family, c. 1877
(Digital image courtesy of John Houk, possessor of the original image in
13. Indiana, Hendricks County, 1880 U.S. Federal Census Population Schedule
(Images at Ancestry.com).
14. Nancy Benton. …. Rootsweb mailing list.
15. Debbie Schmidt, Debbie Schmidt’s Genealogy Data on the Smiths and Brewers.
16. Mt. Carmel Plat Marker (Digital copy courtesy of Nancy Benton, 2003).
17. Rootsweb mailing list. …. Nancy Benton genealogy database drawn from
various sources, some unnoted. Grace Noyes Pinkerton b. 1892, did much
recording during the mid 1900s, Nancy Benton assisting and later
augmenting. Pansy Noyes Bryant contributed greatly, mother of Nancy
Benton, Noyes-Brewer Genealogy with Associated Families (2003 Word
18. Rootsweb mailing list.
19. John Houk, John Houk on Edwin Wesley Dunlavy’s Straughan Record. (Email
2003 from John Houk to jk).
20. Indiana, Putnam Co, 1840 U.S. Federal Census Population Schedule (Images at
21. Photo of Nathaniel Straughan and Polly Brewer.
22. Mitchell family record.
23. Unknown photographer, Daniel Levi Brewer in bowtie (Digital copy courtesy
of Nancy Benton, possessor of the original in 2003.)
24. Marriage license of Mrs. Catherine Brewer and John Foster, 22 Dec 1869.
25. Unknown photographer, Daniel Levi Brewer and Catherine Hedden (Digital copy
courtesy of Nancy Benton 2003).
26. Henderson, Ed, Henderson Pioneers, Henderson Reunion 2002, “The Henderson
Pioneers to Kansas” (27 Aug 2002).


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