Evermore Genealogy

Tag: ralph spray

  • Obituary of Belle Sparks McKenney

    Obituary of Belle Sparks McKenney

    Belle Sparks McKenney was the daughter of James Sparks and Carrie Burch, and wife of George W. McKenney Jr. Larry McCombs supplied Belle’s obituary: Mrs. G. W. McKenney Belle M. SPARKS, daughter of James and Carrie SPARKS, was born January 14, 1868, in Shelby County Illinois, and departed this life, December 28, 1935, at the…

  • McKenney Bible Images

    McKenney Bible Images

    Thanks to my cousins for sending photocopies of these pages to me. Lloyd McKenney’s bible was used for recording some family history. I didn’t see it until about 2003. The genealogy I received as a child wasn’t in the bible, it was instead on loose paper, but in the case of the Hackney and McKenney…