Tag: jacob scagel
The Scagels
The following pages cover the Scagels concerning this blog, who eventually married into the Atwell family in 1830. Thanks to Nancy Benton for the pages. The Scagels Orson Patrick BRYAN, having married Sally, the daughter of George Scagel, the descendents of this marriage would also be part of the Scagel family. It has been a…
Caroline Atwell Noyes’ address book
Caroline Atwell Noyes’ address book shows: J.A. Noyes Anna, Union Co., Illinois N.W. Gilbert Montpelier, Vermont Hannah M. Wolger 87 Hampshire St., Lawrence, Massachusetts Mary Chilton Franklinville, N.C. Marilla Wells Lawrence, Massachusetts Written at another time: Hannah M. Wolger No. 42 Broadway, South Lawrence, Massachusetts Francis Barry Berlin Heights, Ohio On second sheet, sometime later,…