Tag: alphadelphia association
Farm Society Sought Utopia in 1844; Lasted Four Years
Article source, Nancy Benton. Transcribed by me. * * * * * Farm Society Sought Utopia in 1844; Lasted Four Years Alphadelphians Attracted Much Attention Through Their Colony Founded in Comstock Township Kalamazoo Gazette, October 18 1925 The theory of holding property in common through the operation of a domestic and industrial domain, was tried…
EDGAR ALLEN POE ON THE ALPHADELPHIA TOCSIN [Text: Edgar Allan Poe, “The Alphadelphia Tocsin,” from The Weekly Mirror (New York), January 18, 1845, p. 227.] THE ALPHADELPHIA TOCSIN. — (Phbus, what a name, to fill the sounding trump of future fame!) — is the title of a new journal published at Alphadelphia, Michigan, and “devoted…
Alphadelphia Association, a 1958 Paper by Catherine Livingston
The below history of the Alphadelphia Association by Catherine Livingston is from 1958. Thank you to Nancy Benton for supplying the paper, which I have transcribed. * * * * * ALPHADELPHIA ASSOCIATION By CATHERINE LIVINGSTON 1958 ACKNOWLEDGMENT I wish to express my appreciation for the privilege of reading these interesting and valuable documents which…
Alphadelphia Shareholders
ALPHADELPHIA SHAREHOLDERS The names were difficult to read. Corrections are welcome. Richard MCOMBER Charles BRADFORD Jacob MILLER Cerydan M. SAWYER Alfleda KEITH Harvey KEITH Joshua ROBINSON Cornelius W. VINING Elesta WILCO Daniel S. SACCO ? Lucius N. NEWS ? P. H. BOWMAN ? Lyman TUBBS David FORD John CURTISE Henry D. HALL Rebecca HALL William…
The Alphadelphia Association
The following article was supplied by Nancy Benton and transcribed by me. * * * * * THE ALPHADELPHIA ASSOCIATION From a History of Kalamazoo Co., MI by Everts and Abbott, published 1880. Graciously supplied by Nancy Benton “History of Alphadelphia.–The theory of holding property in common was advanced by Pythagoras, and was fully advocated…