Category: Other Photos
Sedan, Kansas, Stable
The original was taken from the internet a number of years ago. I no longer am able to source it.
Sedan, Kansas, Early 1900s
Sedan, Chautauqua, Kansas. Taken from the internet years ago. I can’t currently find where.
1926, Sedan, Kansas, Main Street
I’ve been in Sedan and the town is unchanged enough that this picture remains familiar. The Sedan picture isn’t a family photo. It is instead one I found on the internet and gave a little photo touch-up help, but not much, because there wasn’t much I could do with it. I can’t make out the…
“Typical Clapboard Boom Town Structure” in Osage County, Oklahoma
Photoshopped Original I picked the bottom photo up from the Tribute to Osage County website, seeing it was a McWhirt. Ruby’s not down the line of Addie McKenney who married Samuel Cornelius McWhirt, but she was a relative. Thought I’d play with this with a quick coloring to see what it looked like. From the…