Category: Hennesy line photos
Photo of E. E. and Ethel Hennesy circa 1936
There are enough images of Esmond Hennesy beside cars that I’m inclined to think he must have been fairly fond of autos. This time he’s with his wife Ethel and he looks cockily dressed to the nines with a fancy hat and tie and striped socks. Perhaps they were out for a Sunday drive. I’ve…
Photo of Annie Knight Simmons and…
This photo was originally identified by family to show Annie Knight Simmons and the widow of Desera Simmons, Rosa Lee, at his gravesite at the Lang-Simmons Cemetery. I have to place a caveat with the original dating of this photo which would have been 1932, at the time of Desera’ death. Annie Knight would have…
Safe Hours Award Presentation photos with E. E. HENNESY
400,000 Safe Hours Award Esmond Edward Hennesy with unidentified individuals. The always fashionable leisure suit dates this perhaps as the mid 1970s. This would be at the International Paper Company in Natchez.
Esmond Hennesy and Ethel Hennesy at Party
Esmond and Ethel Hennesy at a party. In the top picture, the left couple is unknown. In the bottom picture, Esmond is on the right. What were they celebrating? As Ethel is wearing the corsage an Esmond is wearing a carnation, they appear to be the couple being celebrated. Was it a wedding anniversary? Based…
1951 Hennesy Reunion Photos
(left to right) Elbert Isaac Hennesy, June 27 1897 – March 12 1967; Curtis Moore Hennesy, January 28 1903 – Feb. 1973; Clarence C. Hennesy, January 6 1894 – April 8 1960; Jewel Hennesy; E. E. Hennesy, June 1 1903 – November 24 1992. What an impressive array of hats! Jewel and Curtis especially wear…
Esmond Edward Hennesy at his desk at International Paper
Esmond Hennesy at his desk at International Paper, Southern Kraft Division, Mobile, AL. Date not noted. I’d estimate it’s the late 1940s.
Lola and Lee Hennesy with Aunt Lucille Hennesy
Lola, Lucille and Lee, circa late 1930s to early 1940s. Lucille Hennesy, b. 1920, was the daughter of James Leon Hennesy and his 2nd wife, Lucinda Pounds. Lola and Lea were daughters of Esmond Hennesy and Ethel Simmons Hennesy, Lola b. 1925 and Lea born 1927. I’m guessing this photo was made when Lea was…
Heloise McGuirt Hennesy and Fannie Lang Smith
Ethel Hennesy identified the woman to Jean Kearns as Heloise McGuirt. She conjectured she is perhaps shown with Little Jewel, son of Jewel Hennesy and his first wife Heloise McGuirt Hennesy. Jewel Jr. was born abt 1930 in Washington Parish, Louisiana. The photo is perhaps from about 1931-1932. Only 15 years before women were wearing…
Photo Lucille (Hennesy) Farley as an Infant
Lucille (Hennesy) Farley, b. July 1920, died 1999 Nov 10. Lucille Hennesy as a baby in Washington Parish, LA. Jean Kearns believes she is being held by Zula Hennesy who didn’t wish for her photo to be taken. Lucille was the daughter of James Leon Hennesy and his second wife, Lucinda Pounds.
Photo of Esmond and Ethel Hennesy, 60th Wedding Anniversary
Esmond and Ethel (Simmons) Hennesy 60th Wedding Anniversary, July 17 1984 in Natchez, Mississippi