Mrs.Geo. Fowler
C. W. Jackson and family moved to Webb City last week.
Mrs. Joe Ihms spent Wednesday at the home of her parents.
Mrs. Boyd called on Mrs. F. A. Martin Wednesday.
J. W. Rakestraw sawed wood for Charles Tabler Wednesday.
Mrs. Sue Mitchell spent Thursay with her daughter, Mrs. George Fowler.
Ray Keltner and wife have moved to the place vacated by Clarence Mead.
Mrs. Carl Slate’s baby is ill of pneumonia.
There was quite a scare in the Dion home one day last week when their little 2-year-old child which had been playing in the yard suddenly disappeared. Mrs. Dion was nearly frantic and aroused some of the neighbors and a search began. The child had wandered off through the field and was found near a branch, sound asleep. It had been absent about 2 hours.
L. D. Needham called at George Folwer’s Friday.
Dorothy Joyce was a Jasper visitor Friday.
Don Robertson and wife spent Sunday at Charles Tabler’s.
Mr. McMannis has completed a new smokehouse.
Mrs. B. F. Martin spent Sunday at Virgil Marin’s.
Jack Cones and wife moved to Joe Rand’s place north of Esrom last week.
Mrs. C. W. Kunkler spent Wednesday night and Thursday at the Carl Slate home.
George Wilkinson took dinner at George Fowler’s Thursday.
Mrs. Louis Dion and Mrs. R. M. Wood were reported ill last week.
The Forest grove club women met with Mrs. Charles Rist Thursday, March 23. Seven members responded to roll call and one new member joined us. Four visitors were present. The subject for discussion was “Poultry Production,” which was very interesting. The next meeing will be with Mrs. Amanda Rist.
Mrs. Slate spent Thursday at the home of her son Carl Slate.
Fred Fowler and wife called at Alex Miler’s Sunday.
The Mrs. George Fowler who was writing the Forest Grove and Boston news sketches would have been Bessie, b. 1889, wife of George C. Fowler. He was the son of Robert William “Will” Fowler, a brother of Delana Louise Jane Fowler who married Ray Noyes. “Will” was married to Lucinda Workman. In 1920 George and Bessie were living in Richland, Barton, Missouri and his parents in Lamar. She wrote a number of these columns which often reported on Noyes and Fowler family activities.
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