Liberal, Barton Co. Missouri
July 23d 1887
Ray Noyes was 13 at the time of this incident. Allen is noted as being in “Sunny Dale”. Where this was, I’ve not been able to discover, but Allen was in Oklahoma by at least 1889.
A Dr. Clark is mentioned in the letter. This would be Dr. J. W. Clark who arrived in Liberal in 1884. He and Dr. Gish, for a number of years, were the only two doctors in Liberal. Dr. Clark graduated from the Medical School at Ann Arbor, Michigan. The Noyes family had also lived in Ann Arbor, so it may very well be that they knew each other from Michigan.

Liberal, Barton Co. Missouri
July 23d 1887
Ray Noyes was 13 at the time of this incident.
Dear Allen
You said if anything happened to write you at Sunny Dale. Something serious has happened. The colt Rustus (?) kicked Ray in the belly yesterday morning between half past six and seven o’clock. We had Dr. Clark here by half past eight. He said there were no bones broken and it was not a serious case. He dont get any better. We gave him a pack last night and a pill this morning. He has pain in the bowels all the time and sometimes it is very bad for a short time. He had a pail on his arm when he was kicked and Rustus foot hit the pail and the pail pressed against the side and belly. It knocked him over, but he got up himself and ran out of the yard and laid down on the ground outside of the gate, afterwards he walked in the house. Your Father saw it all and came in the house with him. I would have waited longer before writing you but am afraid you will not get my letter if I delay as they only get mail at Sunny Dale two or three times a week. I must not spend any more time writing. Hope you are well and having a good time.
Your mother
Carrie A. Noyes
Courtesy of Nancy Benton. Transcribed by JMK.
The 1900 census for Ozark, Barton, Missouri shows Dr. Clark as Joseph W. Clark from Vermont:
43/43 CLARK Joseph W. head w m July 1850 49 married 16 years b. VT father b. TN mother b. Spain physician and surgeon
Louisa J. wife wf Aug 1863 34 1 child (living) b. KY parents b. KY
Frederick A. son wm April 1878 22 single b. MO father b. VT mother b. MO engineer (stationery?)
Macon B. son wm April 1880 20 single ” ” blacksmith and machinist
Sidney G. son wm July 1885 14 single ” ” at school
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