Note: James King Belk and his wife Charity (Palmer) were prominent Liberal residents present since the formation of the town. King had a first marriage, mentioned in J. P. Moore’s book on Liberal, which caused something of a scandal as his first wife had purportedly believed him to be dead, whereas he was very much alive and had remarried to a Charity Palmer and moved to Liberal. Steve Richardson of the Cawker City Hesperian Historical Society wrote asking if I had heard of him and was able to say that I had. His interest was due connections between Cawker and Liberal. A George W. Chapman is one citizen of Cawker who was alert to Liberal in the early 1880s and was prepared to donate his collection of geological specimens to the academy there if the citizens of Cawker did not provide a suitable building for it and a public library. Another resident of Cawker with a tie to Liberal was William Belk, a brother of King Belk. Thus this series, Steve having sent me several articles published on it in 1920-1921. All related posts will be found under the tag “Belk”.
Thank you to Steve Richardson for the below article which quotes material from the “Liberal News”.
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Brown County World
November 4 1921
There are many depositions on file in clerk of courts office in relation to Belk case. Latest one to arrive is that of W. H. Hart, of Seattle. Hart was in Brown county in the late 50s when it is alleged that King Belk was married. He states that he met King Belk, who introduced him to his wife. Alice Belk Rogers, who claims to be lawful widow of King Belk, accompanied by a son, George, is at Liberal, where King Belk died, leaving wife No. 2 and big estate. Speaking of George Belk, Liberal News says: Mr. Belk Rogers brings with him very strong endorsements from banks, business firms, and commercial and civic organizations, in many of which he holds honored membership. He impresses one as a resourceful, energetic and successful business man. He says he is confident that the outcome of the present controversy will be favorable to his mother and himself. He further says in his own behalf that he did not consider coming here until the case had been carried thru the preparatory stages so as to require only the necessary time for the proper legal actions to be concluded.
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