Evermore Genealogy


Correspondence of Grace Noyes Pinkerton who was attempting to learn more about the first house of James Noyes in America.

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Albert Hale & Co.
35 Congress Street

November 18 1926

Miss Grace Noyes
Alcazar Hotel
39th and Baltimore Streets,
Kansas City, Mo.

My dear Miss Noyes:

Your letter of November 15th to the Newbury port Historical Society has been sent to me by the Postmaster of Newbury port.

The Noyes house to which you refer I assume is the house built by Rev. James Noyes about 1646. A careful investigation makes it evident that the house was built at approximately that time and this is the date which has been generally accepted by historians. As you refer to the year 1648, I shall be interested to know whether you have any records to substantiate that particular date. The house has been continually in the hands of the Noyes family and descendants from the time it was built. These, I believe, have always been of the name of Noyes until the year 1924, when it was purchased by me from the Noyeses. As I, myself, am a descendant of the Noyes family on my mother’s side, it still keeps the house in the hands of the Noyes descendants.

During its long existance the house has been altered in many ways but when I purchased it I endeavored to restored it as far as possible to its original condition and to put it in good repair. I now use it for a summer home and shall be very glad to see you whenever I am there. At the present time a family is living in the back of the house for the winter and if necessary they could show you the other rooms but as I generally request them not to take anybody into the house in my absence, I should rather know, if possible, before you mean to make the call.

Very Truly yours,

Albert Hale

Courtesy of Nancy Benton.

The Alcazar Hotel is still there.

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